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The Key to Wealth




2 Weeks

About the Course

The Key To Wealth 

Learn a different approach to wealth and abundance the Heart Centered Living way

Are you challenged in manifesting wealth and abundance? Does it seem like you are just barely able to scrape by? Are you wanting a different approach to “earning” money? The blocks to abundance and wealth are many. These are not aided by such approaches as The Secret which insists it is just a matter of magical thinking that will allow everything you desire in life to come to you spontaneously. Positive thinking has an influence, but it is a minor one. Thus, great confusion exists as to the role of what is inside of us and what manifests outside of us.

Great frustration can come with trying to think positively or visualize our future and not seeing results. Great confusion can also exist as many of us are taught that money is not spiritual. Money, like power, corrupts. This is a common theme. We too often have the sense that money and wealth are not important. They are very important, especially if we want to have a broad impact on the world.  If you have been challenged in this area and are wanting a different approach to abundance, money and wealth, then let’s look at what is possible.

Course Content

Each day for the two weeks you will presented with a video or a text summary of that day’s teaching for you to review. You will have questions to contemplate to further understand and integrate the topic.  For that we recommend you keep a journal. Some of the guided contemplations will be in audio form. These are often repeated over several days in order for you to fully integrate the insights you are having.

Course Tuition

The course tuition gives you access to the course for a year so that you can repeat the course if you want several times.

Facets of the Heart Forum

We encourage you to post your insights in the Facets of the Heart Group Forum.

Your Instructor

Paul Dugliss

Paul Dugliss

Paul Dugliss, M.D. teaches Ayurvedic Medicine, Consciousness Mentoring and Consciousness-based Health Coaching. He is currently the Academic Dean and Director of New World Ayurveda School (, leading the movement to create a healthier world by making online Ayurvedic studies accessible to all. He is the author of several books including Ayurveda – The Power to Heal, Enlightened Nutrition, Capturing the Bliss: Ayurveda and the Yoga of Emotions, Yoga & Ayurveda and Think with the Heart / Love with the Mind. He has a master’s degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology and is currently focusing his practice on developing consciousness through Heart-based Meditation and Heart Centered Living.

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